Retrospective Planning Application Consultants 

At Planning By Design, our team of expert planning consultants across the UK will help you to secure retrospective planning permission. With a proven track record of success, we can advise you on how best to argue your case and how best to present your development within a retrospective planning application. Our planning experts will meticulously research local regulations and building codes to ensure your application aligns with local standards. Contact our planning experts today!

The process of applying for retrospective planning permission can be complex and involve submitting detailed plans, assessments and justifications for your unauthorised development. The decision to grant planning permission from a retrospective planning application falls with your local planning authority. Our expert retrospective planning consultants will guide you through the entire application process, ensuring your project plans meet all requirements for approval.

At Planning By Design, we provide RTPI certified planning permission consultancy services within all stages of the project, from pre-planning through to planning permission and building regulations. Your Planning By Design consultants will ensure that your retrospective planning application meets all the standards and best practices.

Why Choose Planning By Design's Retrospective Planning Application Consultants?

At Planning By Design, we pride ourselves on offering planning consultancy services that are not only aligned with sustainability and environmental standards, but also tailored to meet the unique demands of each project.

There’s simply no better partner to guide you through the process of making a retrospective planning application to your local authority.

Our team of expert retrospective planning application consultants can help to balance the needs of your retrospective planning application and help you to prepare and assess all elements of your application.

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Read more News & FAQs

Retrospective Planning Application Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A retrospective planning application can cost anywhere between £200-£500, depending on the size and scale of the developments and alterations you have made. This also depends on what types of supporting documentation the local authority will need to process and assess your retrospective planning application.
The primary purpose of this application is to ensure that any alterations, extensions or demolitions to a listed building are done sympathetically and still preserve the building's historical and architectural significance.
If your retrospective planning application is refused, then you may be subject to any Enforcement Action that the local planning authority has outlined to you. The local planning authority may require you to stop any further work or even revert the property to its original state or use. They can also require you to rebuild any demolitions.