New build house or flats
3D DrawingsPre-Application

Erection of a New 5-Bedroom Affordable House

The client contacted Planning By Design regarding a proposed erection of a new five- bedroom affordable dwellinghouse. The proposed dwelling will be double-storied and detached, have five bedrooms, with an attached double garage, and a dual-pitch roof.

 Following a planning appraisal with one of our chartered town planners, it was determined the project might be feasible and a formal pre-application was the best course of action given some constraints identified during the planning appraisal. This would increase the likelihood of success, while also limiting risk and costs for the client.

One of our chartered architects prepared the required 3D drawings and architect drawings, which the client approved. Once the architectural design was approved, one of our chartered town planners prepared the required Planning Statement, to justify why the proposed new build house is appropriate and should be approved.

 With the client's approval, a formal pre-application has been submitted with the 3D drawings, architect drawings and Planning Statement.

The pre-app response has now been received.

Drawings & Planning Documents

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Diane R. Barto

Sales engineer