The client approached Planning By Design regarding a change of the use from mixed B1(c), B2 and B8 use to a B2 (General Industrial) to facilitate accident repair operations. It involves minor internal changes to the existing infrastructure, aimed at modernising and optimising the space for more efficient use. The adjustment facilitates the integration of a refined workshop area alongside a designated office space, thus fostering a more collaborative environment. The existing mezzanine floor is proposed to be partially dismantled, reducing its footprint to make way for new office areas on the first floor.
Following a planning appraisal, one of our chartered town planners confirmed this is feasible and would require full planning permission to change the use and remove a mezzanine floor.
One of our chartered architects produced the required architect drawings which the client approved. Following approval of the architect design one of our chartered town planners has prepared the required Design and Access statement, to justify why the application should be approved. With the client's approval, the architect drawings, Design and Access statement were submitted with an application for full planning permission.
Planning Permission has now been approved for a change of use and removal of a mezzanine floor.
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Sales engineer