Here is your estimate for architectural design and / or planning permission for your project.
* Our website estimate is based on the minimum requirements, it doesn't account for the scale, complexity or level of detail required. Anything above the norm will be at additional cost. All prices are excluding VAT.
What Interior Design Services Do You Offer?
Do I need Planning Permission?
What is the planning permission process?
How to avoid the common permitted development mistakes?
I received a planning enforcement notice what should I do?
You can find the answers to many more questions in our FAQ's.
We have received your enquiry and a member of our team will be in touch shortly to discuss your project.
In the first instance we will provide you with a free consultation to understand exactly what it is you would like to achieve and give you some informal advice.
If you would like a detailed feasibility report so that you know exactly what you will require and the likelihood of success if planning permission is required, we can conduct a planning appraisal.
Should you require help with architectural design or any kind of planning application we will provide you with a quote for everything you need.
Not only do some of the UK’s top planning consultants and architects work at Planning By Design but we also offer unbeatable pricing, which is backed by our price match guarantee.
If you instruct us to act on your behalf, our architects will work with you to prepare all the necessary architectural drawings and our planners will prepare all the necessary supporting evidence to submit with your planning application.
We will manage the entire process from concept to completion, keeping you updated regularly at every step of the way.