Category: FAQ

Which Type Of Planning Application Do I Need?

Many people incorrectly assume that there is only 1 type of planning application, however, there are many.

Each application type is specifically suited to certain project types and circumstances. They all have different requirements and are assessed differently.

So, in order to stand the best chance of securing planning permission, it is important to submit the application type that will give you the best chance of success.

Below is a list of all the potential planning applications that could be appropriate for residential developments, new build developments, and commercial properties.

Permitted Development

Lawful Development Certificate/Certificate of Lawful Use
Prior Approval

Planning Applications for Householder/Residential Developments

Householder Planning Application
Full Planning Permission
Non-Material Amendment
Material Amendment
Planning Appeal
Listed Building Consent
Discharge Conditions
Vary/Remove Conditions

Planning Applications for New Build Developments

Outline Planning Permission
Planning Permission in Principle
Full Planning Permission
Reserved Matters
Planning Appeal
Discharge Conditions
Vary/Remove Conditions

Planning Applications for Commercial Properties/Developments

Lawful Development Certificate/Certificate of Lawful Use
Full Planning Permission
Outline Planning Permission
Planning Permission in Principle
Reserved Matters
Advertising Consent
Non-Material Amendment
Material Amendment
Planning Appeal
Listed Building Consent
Discharge Conditions
Vary/Remove Conditions

Which Application Is best for your project?

Unfortunately, there is no simple black and white answer to this. It depends entirely on where the site is located, what you are looking to do, and what planning constraints are at the site address.

Submitting the wrong application could not only delay your project by months it could lead to an unnecessary refusal. This would be registered at the site address and would mean you would be back to square one starting all over again, with a whole new planning application, at additional cost.

You can see lots of examples of our planning applications in our Portfolio. You can filter by project type and/or application type, to find the most relevant examples for what you want to do. Click on any of our projects to view all the required drawings and supporting evidence for each planning application.

If you are unsure which application type you need, then the first step in the process is to either submit a formal pre-application to your council or contact us for a free no obligation consultation.

Need some pre-planning advice?

Don’t worry, most of our clients have never done this before and have zero knowledge or experience. So, if you are feeling a little daunted or unsure about what you need contact us for a free no obligation consultation as a starting point.

Unlike many companies, we always prioritise the right advice over profit. So, if we think your project is high risk or has no chance, we will advise you not to proceed or to consider alternatives. Don’t take our word for it, check out our customer reviews:

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Of course, if you would like our planning permission experts to take care of all of this for you, we remain ready to help with whatever you need. As well as having some of the UK’s top chartered architects and chartered town planners, we also offer a price match guarantee and will beat any like-for-like quote!

Our help hub is full of useful advice that can help you in finding additional information for your planning applications, take a look and contact us if we haven’t answered your question yet!

You can use our Free Online Cost Calculator to get an instant online estimate for most project types. Please bear in mind this is based on the minimum requirements for each planning application and does not mean your project is feasible.

We also have a wide range of blog posts around planning applications, planning permissions and architechtural designs. Read our latest posts and learn more about how we can help you.

Alternatively, you can Contact Us for a free no obligation consultation regarding your project.

Ellie Laws


After securing a law degree in 2003, Ellie became a RTPI town planner in 2019 has since gained substantial experience with planning applications of all sizes from householder to major planning applications in a wide range of industries including education, residential, healthcare, commercial, and industrial sectors.

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