Listed Building Consent

Architect Drawings, Planning Permission, Listed Building Consent, Building Regulations Drawings for Change of Use C3 to a Hostel (C1 Use) in Grade II Listed Building in Conservation Area

Change of Use of Two Apartments (C3 Use) to a Hostel (C1 Use) in Grade II Listed Building in Conservation Area

The client contacted Planning By Design regarding the proposed change of use of two apartments (C3 Use) to a hostel (C1 Use).The building…

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Architect Drawings, Planning Permission, Advertising Consent, Listed Building Consent for Alterations and Advertisement Signage on Grade II Listed Building to Facilitate the Opening of a Store

Alterations and Advertisement Signage on Grade II Listed Building to Facilitate the Opening of a Store

The client contacted Planning By Design regarding proposed internal and external alterations, advertisement signage, external lighting and non-illuminated signage, to facilitate the opening of…

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Architect Drawings and Listed Building Consent Application for Internal Alterations in a Category B-listed Victorian Building in a Conservation Area

Internal Alterations in a Category B-listed Victorian Building in a Conservation Area

The client contacted Planning By Design regarding a proposed expansion of and alterations to en-suite bathroom. The property is a category B-listed…

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Architect Drawings and Retrospective Planning Permission for Two Air Source Heat Pumps, Roof Mounted Solar Panels, Wall Insulation and a Loft Conversion

Two Air Source Heat Pumps, Roof Mounted Solar Panels, Wall Insulation and a Loft Conversion

The client contacted Planning By Design regarding works already carried illegally to a listed building including two air source heat pumps, roof…

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Architect Drawings and Retrospective Planning Permission for an Air Source Heat Pump and Proposed Roof Mounted Solar Panels For a Listed Building

Retrospective Air Source Heat Pump and Proposed Roof Mounted Solar Panels For a Listed Building

The client contacted Planning By Design regarding an air source heat pump that was already installed to a listed building and the…

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Architect Drawings and Retrospective Listed Building Consent for Internal Alterations to a Listed Building

Retrospective Internal Alterations To Listed Building

Following contact from an enforcement officer for making unlawful changes to a listed building, the client contacted Planning By Design regarding a…

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