ApprovedLawful Development CertificateRetrospective Planning Application

Retrospective Porch

The client approached Planning By Design regarding a porch that was already built under the assumption it was permitted development and did not require any planning permission. When trying to sell the property they discovered they could not complete the sale without either planning permission or a lawful development certificate to prove the development was lawful. Following a planning appraisal with one of our chartered town planners  we determined that a retrospective application for a lawful development certificate was the best course of action. One of our chartered architects produced the required drawings and a chartered town planner has prepared the required supporting evidence to justify why the application is lawful and should be approved. With the clients approval the application has now been submitted.

Drawings & Planning Documents

β€œDonec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus mollis est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Duis mollis porta est non commodo luctus.”

Diane R. Barto

Sales engineer