Driveways/HardstandingDropped kerbOutbuildingWalls, fences and gatesWindows and Doors
ApprovedHouseholder Planning ApplicationRetrospective Planning Application

Retrospective Planning Permission For Various Alterations

The client contacted Planning By Design very distressed having received an enforcement notice for multiple unlawful alterations to their house including windows, doors, dropped kerb, driveway, outbuilding and lots of internal alterations, without the required planning approval. Following a planning appraisal, one of our chartered town planners confirmed this is feasible and advised a retrospective planning application for all of the works carried out. One of our chartered architects has produced the required architect which the client approved. Following approval of the architect drawings one of our chartered town planners has prepared the required planning statement and supporting evidence to justify why the application should be approved. Retrospective planning permission has now been approved for all of the alterations.

Drawings & Planning Documents

β€œDonec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus mollis est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Duis mollis porta est non commodo luctus.”

Diane R. Barto

Sales engineer